Welcome to The Annex Baseball Blog! The newest edition to our site. Thanks to Ryan and Cathi at www.3200creative.com, our blog and website came to life. We are opening up Spring/Summer 2011 with a new website, blog and a few more products to fit a more broad aspect of baseball players. We will also be adding a youth model for all of the little leaguers, stay tuned for more info. So hit the Shop button at the top of the page and check out our select few of wood bats and let us know what you think of our site. Search and shop with confidence. If you need any help in choosing a baseball bat, click on our Annex Bat Guide at the bottom of the page after you select shop. If you have any questions about our products or website, we can be reached at info@annexbaseball.com. If you are in need of any help regarding websites, we encourage you to check out www.3200creative.com. Great customer service and a joy to work with.

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