Long winters and slow starting springs are what us baseball players dread. I remember when I was a Junior in High school I made a campus visit up to UMD to check out there facilities and it was the beginning of April and there was at least 18″ of snow still on the ground and mounds in every parking lot. I give them players props for working so hard and so long indoors. Talk about fine tuning your craft, station to station these players went. Crushing the ball in every station, some actually using wood which is great. In the background getting preached the game by the coach. It takes a lot of discipline to go through that day in and day out. The best thing you can do for your game is swing with wood when ever you can. It will make you a better hitter by getting the feel for how a real wood bat handles and swings through the zone. They use wood in the MLB so you should be practicing with it too, no matter if you goal is to make it to the big leagues or not swing with Annex.
Long Winters In The Gym.
April 7, 2011 by Leave a Comment
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