Annex Wood Bats in Amateur Baseball Annex Wooden Bats have been creating a big impact in amateur baseball across the United States for the past five years. I am very proud of feedback we have received. Being an amateur baseball player myself, I know the quality and craftsmanship that needs to go into a wooden baseball bat. We offer a select variety of models that any type of hitter can choose … [Read more...]
How to Fix Your Batting Slump
How to Fix The Feared Batting Slump. One of the worst feeling things is to get involved in baseball is the dreadful batting slump. Going 0-20, 2-25, seen to be the start of some slumps. The reason why I am writing this blog is because I am caught in a 0-11 slump. I'm at beginning of the season in my amateur baseball league and it is not very fun at the plate. I have had a down year or two in … [Read more...]
The Importance Of Youth Hitting With A Wooden Bat
After reading another blog recently about wooden bats, I was reminded my first encounter with a real wooden bat. When I was a kid I couldn't wait to swing a real wooden bat. I was about 10 years old and I wanted to swing a wood bat just like the pro's. So I found a wood bat that my dad used as a kid and we would go up into the field and take batting practice as much as we could. It was awesome, I … [Read more...]
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